Browsing by Author Carvalho, H.

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Showing results 2 to 21 of 74 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeAccess Type
2007Accessing earth observation data using JPEG2000Carvalho, H.; Serrão, C.; Serra, A.; Dias, M.Conference ObjectOpen Access
2019Additive manufacturing: exploring the social changes and impactsMatos, F.; Godina, R.; Jacinto, C.; Carvalho, H.; Ribeiro, I.; Peças, P.ArticleOpen Access
2017AGE - Monitorização e gestão da saúde e da idade no trabalhoRamos, S.; Carvalho, H.ReportOpen Access
2018AGE Survey: a tool to support the study and intervention on health and age at workRamos, S.; Mardon, C.; Carvalho, H.Conference ObjectOpen Access
2019Age-diversity practices and retirement preferences among older workers: a moderated mediation model of work engagement and work abilitySousa, I. C.; Ramos, S.; Carvalho, H.ArticleOpen Access
2024The Alliance Negotiation Scale – Therapist Version: Psychometric properties in a sample of Portuguese psychologistsSilva, A. C. N. da.; Matos, M.; Carvalho, H.ArticleOpen Access
2024Análise de literatura nas ciências sociais: Potencialidades e processosNico, M.; Caetano, A.; Carvalho, D.; Pereira, A.; Silva, M.G.V.; Carvalho, H.ArticleOpen Access
2022Assessing caregivers’ adherence to child primary care recommendations: Development and validation of a scaleMourão, S.; Bernardes, S. F.; Carvalho, H.ArticleOpen Access
2023Assessing family social support for functional autonomy and dependence in pain: A psychometric studyBernardes, S. F.; Rei, A.; Carvalho, H.ArticleOpen Access
2021“Aventuras do Búzio e da Coral” – Benefícios do jogo de prevenção universal do abuso sexual para crianças em idade escolarAlexandre, J.; Agulhas, R.; Carvalho, H.; Lopes, C.ArticleOpen Access
2024Children's right to participation in residential care: A staff-based study in PortugalMagalhães, E.; Calheiros, M. M.; Carvalho, H.; Pinheiro, M.ArticleOpen Access
2023Clinical outcomes of micropulse transscleral cyclophotocoagulation: 2 years of experience in Portuguese eyesBasto, R. C.; Almeida, J.; Roque, J. N.; Henriques, S.; Gonçalves, A. S.; Vaz, F. T.; Carvalho, H.; Prieto, I.ArticleOpen Access
2015Clinical profiles of stigma experiences, self-esteem and social relationships among people with schizophrenia, depressive, and bipolar disordersOliveira, S. E. H.; Esteves, F.; Carvalho, H.ArticleEmbargoed Access
2014Crowdsourcing as a way to improve coastline conditions sharingSerrão, C.; Carvalho, H.; Carvalho, N.ArticleOpen Access
2022Determinants of Africa’s development: An exploratory studyVeiga, J.; Ferreira-Lopes, A.; Carvalho, H.; Sequeira, T. N.; Monteiro, H.ArticleOpen Access
2024Do the project manager's soft skills foster knowledge sharing?Avença, I.; Domingues, L.; Carvalho, H.ArticleOpen Access
2024Does participation benefit children’s socio-emotional development? Positive associations between children’s participation and self-concept, through children’s perceptionsCorreia, N.; Carvalho, H.; Aguiar, C.ArticleEmbargoed Access
2020Does subjective assessment of dialyzer appearance reflect dialyzer performance in online hemodiafiltration?Matos, J. F.; Pinto, B.; Félix, C.; Carvalho, H.; Ponce, P.; Peralta, R.ArticleOpen Access
2019The effect of school´s ethnic composition on Mathematics results of students with immigrant origin in primary schoolSeabra, T.; Carvalho, H.; Ávila, P.ArticleOpen Access
2017The effects of austerity measures on quality of healthcare services: a national survey of physicians in the public and private sectors in PortugalCorreia, T.; Carapinheiro, G.; Carvalho, H.; Silva, J. M.; Dussault, G.ArticleOpen Access