Browsing by Author Carvalho, H.

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Showing results 62 to 74 of 74 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeAccess Type
2021A tangible interface for augmented reality visualisation in 4d echocardíography imaging of the left ventricle of the heartDias, J. M. S.; Aurélio, M.; Carvalho, H.; Rosário, L.; Carvalho, L. S.; Rocha, I.Conference ObjectOpen Access
2020Teachers’ ideas about children’s participation within Portuguese early childhood education settingsCorreia, N.; Carvalho, H.; Durães, J.; Aguiar, C.ArticleOpen Access
2020Teachers’ practices mediate the association between teachers’ ideas and children’s perceived participation in early childhood educationCorreia, N.; Carvalho, H.; Fialho, A.; Aguiar, C.ArticleOpen Access
2016Toward an understanding of the quality of life construct: validity and reliability of the WHOQOL-Bref in a psychiatric sampleOliveira, S. E. H.; Carvalho, H.; Esteves, F.ArticleEmbargoed Access
2009Towards the liberation of labour markets in EuropeOliveira, L.; Carvalho, H.ArticleEmbargoed Access
2017Trade protectionism and intra-industry trade: a USA - EU comparisonFerreira-Lopes, A.; Sousa, C.; Carvalho, H.; Crespo, N.ArticleOpen Access
2017Trends and consequences of the technocratic paradigm of childbirth in Portugal: a population-based analysis of birth conditions and social characteristics of parentsPintassilgo, S.; Carvalho, H.ArticleOpen Access
2017Understanding the impact of school´s ethnic composition on Mathematics results of students with immigrant origin in primary schoolSeabra, T.; Carvalho, H.; Ávila, P.Conference ObjectOpen Access
1991Vitimologia e medo do crimeCarvalho, H.ArticleOpen Access
2023‘What could make me stay at work’: Retirement transition profilesSousa, I. C.; Ramos, S.; Carvalho, H.ArticleOpen Access
2023When firms go international: Deliberate or random?Vinhas da Silva, R.; Ferreira-Lopes, A.; Carvalho, H.; Duarte, J.ArticleOpen Access
2010Why firms do not enrol in socio-technical networks empirical evidence from PortugalOliveira, L.; Carvalho, H.ArticleOpen Access
2021Youth in residential care: A cross-sectional mediation analysis of youth’s perceptions of their social images, self-representations, and adjustment outcomesCalheiros, M. M.; Silva, C. S.; Patrício, J. N.; Carvalho, H.ArticleOpen Access