Browsing by Author Aguiar, C.

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 52  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeAccess Type
2020Activity settings in toddler classrooms and quality of group and individual interactionsGuedes, C.; Cadima, J.; Teresa, A.; Aguiar, C.; Barata, C.ArticleOpen Access
2022Challenges associated with group composition: A qualitative study about the perceptions of teachers in Portuguese public preschoolsAguiar, A.; Aguiar, C.ArticleEmbargoed Access
2019Children's right to participate in early childhood education settings: a systematic reviewCorreia, N.; Camilo, C.; Aguiar, C.; Amaro, F.ArticleOpen Access
2023Children's voices in early childhood education and careCorreia, N.; Aguiar, C.Book ChapterOpen Access
2023Children’s participation in early childhood education: A theoretical overviewCorreia, N.; Aguiar, C.; Amaro, F.ArticleOpen Access
2021Children’s right to participate in early childhood care and education settings and relative innovatory supportive digital tools for ECCE professionals’ developmentStavropoulos, E.; Karachristos, C.; Petrogiannis, K.; Aguiar, C.; Correia, N.; Wysłowska, O.; Taelman, H.; Penderi, E.Conference ObjectOpen Access
2022Children’s right to participate: The Lundy model applied to early childhood education and careCorreia, N.; Aguiar, C.; Taelman, H.; Boderé, A.; Petrogiannis, K.; Penderi, E.; Karachristos, C.; Stavropoulos, E.; Wyslowska, O.; Markowska-Manista, U.; Mesquita, C.; Ribeiro, L.; Barros, S.; Araújo, S.; Pessanha, M.; Guimarães, C.; Coelho, V.; Correia, I.; Magalhães, E.; Figueiredo, V.; Almeida, F.ArticleOpen Access
2017Choosing classrooms: a structured interview on children's right to participateCorreia, N.; Aguiar, C.ArticleOpen Access
2020Classroom composition and quality in early childhood education: a systematic reviewAguiar, A.; Aguiar, C.ArticleOpen Access
2019Classroom quality and children's social skills and problem behaviors: dosage and disability status as moderatorsAguiar, A.; Aguiar, C.; Cadima, J.; Correia, N.; Fialho, A.ArticleOpen Access
2024Classroom social networks, students' peer-related social experiences and sense of belonging: The specific case of students with SENFreire, S.; Roçadas, C.; Pipa, J.; Aguiar, C.ArticleOpen Access
2020The collaboration between early childhood intervention and child protection systems: the perspectives of professionalsAlbuquerque, J.; Aguiar, C.; Magalhães, E.ArticleOpen Access
2024Concurrent and longitudinal associations between parent math support in early childhood and math skills: A meta-analytic studyRibeiro, L.; Donolato, E.; Aguiar, C.; Correia, N.; Zachrisson, H.ArticleOpen Access
2014Desenhos de investigação A-B-A-B: uma abordagem experimental para a avaliação de intervenções em contextos naturaisCorreia, N.; Daniel, J.; Aguiar, C.ArticleOpen Access
2024Direito de participação das crianças: Ideias de educadoras de infânciaCorreia, N.; Durães, J.; Aguiar, C.ArticleOpen Access
2024Does participation benefit children’s socio-emotional development? Positive associations between children’s participation and self-concept, through children’s perceptionsCorreia, N.; Carvalho, H.; Aguiar, C.ArticleEmbargoed Access
2012Early childhood intervention in Portugal: an overview based on the developmental systems modelPinto, A. I.; Grande, C.; Aguiar, C.; de Almeida, I. C.; Felgueiras, I.; Pimentel, J.; Serrano, A. M.; Carvalho, L.; Brandão, M. T.; Boavida, T.; Santos, P.; Lopes-dos-Santos, P.ArticleOpen Access
2019Early interventions tackling inequalities experienced by immigrant, low-income, and Roma children in 8 European countries: a critical overviewAguiar, C.; Silva, C. S.; Guerra, R.; Rodrigues, R. B.; Ribeiro, L. A.; Pastori, G.; Leseman, P.; ISOTIS Curriculum and Pedagogy TeamArticleOpen Access
14-Mar-2020Early maternal spatial support for toddlers and math skills in second gradeRibeiro, L.; Casey, B.; Dearing, E.; Nordahl, K.; Aguiar, C.; Zachrisson, H.ArticleOpen Access
2016Effects of an in-service training program using the routines-based interviewBoavida, T.; Aguiar, C.; McWilliam, R. A.; Correia, N.ArticleOpen Access