Browsing by Author Sequeira, T. N.

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 22  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeAccess Type
2011An endogenous growth model with human and social capital interactionsSequeira, T. N.; Ferreira-Lopes, A.ArticleEmbargoed Access
2011Business cycles in reunified Germany: closer together or further apart?Ferreira-Lopes, A.; Sequeira, T. N.ArticleEmbargoed Access
2022Determinants of Africa’s development: An exploratory studyVeiga, J.; Ferreira-Lopes, A.; Carvalho, H.; Sequeira, T. N.; Monteiro, H.ArticleOpen Access
2017Do large governments decrease happiness? New evidence of a negative effect in EuropeSequeira, T. N.; Minas, T.; Ferreira-Lopes, A.; Santos, M.ArticleOpen Access
2006Does a federal country need federal transfers when it has labor mobility?Sequeira, T. N.; Lopes, A. F.Working PaperOpen Access
2014The dynamics of the trade balance and the terms of trade in Central and Eastern European countriesFerreira-Lopes, A.; Sequeira, T. N.ArticleOpen Access
2014Exponential discounting biasGomes, O.; Ferreira-Lopes, A.; Sequeira, T. N.ArticleOpen Access
2014A growth model with qualities, varieties, and human capital: stability and transitional dynamicsSequeira, T. N.; Ferreira-Lopes, A.; Gomes, O.ArticleEmbargoed Access
2019Human capital and genetic diversitySequeira, T. N.; Santos, M.; Ferreira-Lopes, A.ArticleOpen Access
2017Income and religion: a heterogeneous panel data analysisSequeira, T. N.; Viegas, R.; Ferreira-Lopes, A.ArticleEmbargoed Access
2014Income inequality and technological adoptionSantos, S.; Sequeira, T. N.; Ferreira-Lopes, A.OtherOpen Access
2017Income inequality and technological adoptionSantos, M.; Sequeira, T. N.; Ferreira-Lopes, A.ArticleOpen Access
2017Income inequality, TFP, and human capitalSequeira, T. N.; Santos, M.; Ferreira-Lopes, A.ArticleOpen Access
2016Measuring labour mismatch in EuropeMorgado, A.; Sequeira, T. N.; Santos, M.; Ferreira-Lopes, A.; Balcão-Reis, A.ArticleOpen Access
2010On the welfare properties of the Lucas and Romer endogenous growth modelsSequeira, T. N.; Ferreira-Lopes, A.ArticleOpen Access
2016Public debt, economic growth, and inflation in African economiesVeiga, J. L.; Ferreira-Lopes, A.; Sequeira, T. N.ArticleOpen Access
2014Quantifying distortions from pollution in a R&D endogenous growth modelSequeira, T. N.; Ferreira-Lopes, A.ArticleOpen Access
2022Quantitative easing and economic growth in Japan: A meta‐analysisFerreira-Lopes, A.; Linhares, P.; Martins, L. F.; Sequeira, T. N.ArticleOpen Access
2009Should the federal government reallocate funds within federal transfers?Sequeira, T. N.; Ferreira-Lopes, A.ArticleOpen Access
2013Social capital and investment in R&D: new externalitiesSequeira, T. N.; Ferreira-Lopes, A.ArticleOpen Access