Browsing by Author Serrão, C.

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 58  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeAccess Type
2007Accessing earth observation data using JPEG2000Carvalho, H.; Serrão, C.; Serra, A.; Dias, M.Conference ObjectOpen Access
2011Approaching the rights management interoperability problem using intelligent brokerage mechanismsSerrão, C.; Delgado, J.; Rodriguez, E.ArticleEmbargoed Access
2015ARMS: A new approach to control content sharing and rights distributionMarques, J.; Serrão, C.Conference ObjectOpen Access
2022Automated android malware detection using user feedbackDuque, J.; Mendes, G.; Nunes, L.; de Almeida, A.; Serrão, C.ArticleOpen Access
2020Automated security testing of android applications for secure mobile developmentPalma, F.; Ferreira, N.; Serrão, C.; Oliveira, J.; de Almeida, A.; Nunes, L.Conference ObjectOpen Access
2024Automation of system security vulnerabilities detection using open-source softwareSeara, J.; Serrão, C.ArticleOpen Access
2013Comparison of existing open-source tools for Web crawling and indexing of free MusicSerrão, C.; Ricardo, A.ArticleEmbargoed Access
2015Content related rights transmission with MPEG-21 in the educational fieldMarques, J.; Serrão, C.; Metrolho J.Conference ObjectOpen Access
2014Crowdsourcing as a way to improve coastline conditions sharingSerrão, C.; Carvalho, H.; Carvalho, N.ArticleOpen Access
2017Cybersecurity culture in Portuguese organizations: An exploratory analysisCardoso, M. G. M. S.; Laureano, R. D.; Serrão, C.Conference ObjectOpen Access
2023Deep learning model transposition for network intrusion detection systemsFigueiredo, J.; Serrão, C.; de Almeida, A.ArticleOpen Access
2018Development of a low-cost smart parking solution for smart citiesFernandes, J.; Serrão, C.; Garrido, N.Conference ObjectOpen Access
2002DIGIPIPE - A pipeline methodology for digital image production and protectionSerrão, C.; Marques, J.Conference ObjectOpen Access
2006Digital object rights management: Interoperable client-side DRM middlewareSerrão, C.; Dias, M.; Delgado, J.Conference ObjectOpen Access
2018Distributed crowd-based annotation of soccer games using mobile devicesBarros, B.; Serrão, C.; Lopes, R.Conference ObjectOpen Access
2015Enabling content and rights transmission in the educational field with ARMSMarques, J.; Serrão, C.Conference ObjectOpen Access
1-Jan-2007Envisat products secure browsing in mobile clients using JPEG2000 interactivity protocolCarvalho, H.; Serra, A.; Dias, L.; Serrão, C.; Dias, M.Conference ObjectOpen Access
2014External footprinting security assessments: Combining the PTES framework with open-source tools to conduct external footprinting security assessmentsSerrão, C.; Dinis, BConference ObjectOpen Access
2005From OPIMA to MPEG IPMP-X: A standard's history across R&D projectsSerrão, C.; Dias, J.; Kudumakis, P.ArticleOpen Access
2017Granular confidentiality and integrity of JSON messagesSantos, T.; Serrão, C.ArticleOpen Access