Browsing by Fields of Science and Technology (FOS)
Showing results 1 to 20 of 58
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- Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries 22
- Agricultural biotechnology 1
- ???jsp.display.subjectfos.Domínio/Área Científica::Ciências Agrárias::Ciência Animal e dos Lacticínios??? 3
- Animal and dairy science 17
- Veterinary science 3
- Other agricultural sciences 37
- Health biotechnology 13
- Health sciences 324
- Basic medicine 88
- Clinical medicine 172
- Other medical sciences 84
- Natural sciences 1
- Biological sciences 69
- Computer and information sciences 920
- Earth and related environmental sciences 214
- Physical sciences 314
- Chemical sciences 60
- Mathematics 366
- Other natural sciences 146
- Social sciences 331