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Author(s): Silva, A. C. N. da.
Matos, M.
Carvalho, H.
Date: 2024
Title: The Alliance Negotiation Scale – Therapist Version: Psychometric properties in a sample of Portuguese psychologists
Journal title: Clinical Psychology in Europe
Volume: 6
Number: 2
Reference: Silva, A. C. N. da., Matos, M., & Carvalho, H. (2024). The Alliance Negotiation Scale – Therapist Version: Psychometric properties in a sample of Portuguese psychologists. Clinical Psychology in Europe, 6(2), Article e11477.
ISSN: 2625-3410
DOI (Digital Object Identifier): 10.32872/cpe.11477
Keywords: Negotiation
Alliance Negotiation Scale
Portuguese version
Therapist version
Psychometric properties
Scale validation
Abstract: Background: The transtheoretical conceptualization of the working alliance and the resultant evaluation tools often overestimate the collaboration between therapist and client, while neglecting the negotiation process. The degree to which therapists and clients can negotiate disagreements regarding goals and tasks is an important indicator in establishing and maintaining the alliance. Even though the negotiation concept is not new, there is still a lack of reliable and parsimonious self-report measures of the construct. The purpose of this study was to translate, execute the cultural adaptation and, also, to perform a preliminary psychometric analysis of the Portuguese form of the therapist version of the Alliance Negotiation Scale (ANS-T_Pt). Method: Data were collected online from 100 Portuguese psychologists. Two random sub-samples were used to conduct both exploratory factorial analysis and confirmatory factorial analysis. Convergent validity was assessed through comparison with the Portuguese version of the Working Alliance Inventory. Results: The ANS-T_Pt showed a one-factorial structure, consistent with previous versions, and demonstrated adequate internal consistency. Evidence supporting criterion-related validity was found based on the correlations between ANS-T_Pt and WAI-T scores. The results showed moderate to large associations between the instruments. These results support the usefulness of the scale, construct’s relevance and its transtheoretical nature. Conclusion: These results are a step forward for Portuguese therapists’ and researchers’ ability to evaluate the bond between client and therapist and to compare results from different countries.
Peerreviewed: yes
Access type: Open Access
Appears in Collections:CIES-RI - Artigos em revistas científicas internacionais com arbitragem científica
CIS-RI - Artigos em revistas científicas internacionais com arbitragem científica

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